There was a street shoot outing organized by a my good mentor/friend 'Zamrudku' last Sunday. A massive group outing with a combination of both ShutterAsia and PhotoMalaysia members. I was there to support and meet up with my friends and try out my street shooting skills. Street shooting requires your eyes to be observant in order to pick up great shots from something seen everyday. I didn't shoot much, in fact, I shot only 17 frames, but I was very happy with the outcome.
This would be my favourite shot of the day..

And some other shots..

For those who are interested in doing street shooting, gather up a couple friends, and hit the streets of KL. It's better to do street shoots in group for your own security. And yea, no need to cover such a vast area, just select a small area and explore deeper. Keeping the shooting area small would make you look harder.. be it patterns, emotions or a perfect urbanscape shot.
Superb shots la bang..;-)*standing ovation*
Good advice, group shooting is preferred as KL now is not too safe for people like us who bring along lots of gadgets in the bag.. I like the staircase snap bro.. i tried to do the same when I visit Kellie's Castle. Wanna hit Kellie's Castle? Nice place bro..
Hehe.. thanks cik! You have an eye for photography too cik. Seen it in when u use your Lumix tuh.
Ady, yea, better to go in groups when doing street shoots. Kellie's Castle? Sounds like a plan. Gimme a date, I'll check with a few others.
I was there on Hari Raya Haji.. Hehehe!
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